"Oldschool web development" (PHP, HTML, CSS stack)
"Newschool web development" (NodeJS, React, styled-components, Typescript, Javascript)
Graphics programming / Demo programming / Game development (Java, C++, OpenGL, Uno)
Backend/server development (Python, PHP, NodeJS, some C#+ASP.net)
Linux (Ubuntu, Arch, Flatcar). Some bash experience, but I prefer Python
Deploying systems using virtualization and containerization (Kubernetes, Docker, docker-compose, proxmox)
Infrastructure tools and practices (Ansible, Terraform, gitops)
Networking (Cisco, Ubiquiti, Linux)
Cloud services (Google cloud, some AWS)
Databases and distributed computing (PostgreSQL, limited mongodb, Redis)
Machine learning (Pytorch, sklearn, NeRF)
CI (Unit testing, gitlab ci pipeline engineering, macos build servers, implementation of exotic test methods)
Reverse engineering (Static analysis, dynamic analysis. Mostly x86 assembly(some x86-64, some ARM), but i've (sadly) also done some C# and Java decompilation, which is incredibily boring and easy). See my work on Decompiling the Norwegian COVID-19 tracker. I do CtF tasks from time to time
...i have touched a bunch of other random languages as well, such as Swift